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An Exploratory Study On Korean iSchool

Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society / Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, (P)2466-2542;
2013, v.44 no.4, pp.277-294

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The purpose of this study is to give a challenge LIS field and serve a starting point for the discussion on iSchool. To achieve the study purpose, this study conducted in-depth interview with LIS scholars. Qualitative method was utilized to analyze the interview data. According to the study results, current curriculum reorganization is required for the success of Korean iSchool. In addition, the followings are the expected effects of iSchool: 1)increased possibility of interdisciplinary research and education, 2)expansion of LIS identity, and 3)creation of a new image of LIS. However, there was anxiety about losing LIS’s unique identity as an librarian education institute.

iSchool, Curriculum reorganization, Interdisciplinary research & education, Creation of a new image of LIS, Identity crisis of LIS, 아이스쿨, 교과과정개편, 융, 복합 연구, 문헌정보학 외연의 확장, 문헌정보학에 대한 새로운 이미지구축, 문헌정보학 정체성 위기



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Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society