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A Study on the Expected Level of Users of the Public Library - Focused on the Public Library of Goyang -

Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society / Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, (P)2466-2542;
2015, v.46 no.1, pp.43-63


Quality of the library service, because it is based on the subjective meaning of the user for a particular service, depending on the individual expectation level, can be divided between satisfaction and dissatisfaction. Therefore, library services that are performed in public libraries also ultimately assessment of library services may influence based on the expected value of the user. This study is a satisfaction survey of library services to the public library of Goyang. Overall satisfaction of Public Library of Goyang in this study are in the following orders: 1) facility, 2) cultural programs and courses, 3) librarian kindness, 4) collections. To understand the specific meaning of each preference, it was analyzed in the followings: 1) the expectation level to the library space, 2) expectation level to librarians, 3) new service the users desire, 4) service the users want, etc. by age and occupation. As the age of the user increases, the demand for traditional library usage increased. In addition, services that utilize the same library external resources and utilization of external lecturer is like finding employment and art courses, expectation level of users such as reading course to utilize library resources was the highest.

Public library, User satisfaction, Library service, Goyang public library, Expectation, Librarian role, 공공도서관, 이용자만족도, 도서관서비스, 고양시도서관, 기대수준, 사서역할



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Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society