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A Study on Impact of Reading Role Model Influencing Reading Effectiveness to High Students

Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society / Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, (P)2466-2542;
2015, v.46 no.3, pp.201-224

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This study analyzes the influences on the reading flow, reading satisfaction, and continuous willingness to read books for parents, teachers, and friends as a reading role model to influence high school students and the differences in the personal characteristics; gender, disciplines, and grade. The result shows that the most important contributor for high school students’ reading is friends and male students are more influenced by their friends than female students. In addition, students in vocational high school are more influenced by their friends than students in academic high school. Parents factor relatively affects the reading for male students, 3rd grade students in high school, and students in academic high school. On the other hand, teachers barely affect the reading factors for students.

Reading role mode, Reading effectiveness, Reading flow, Reading satisfaction, Reading continuous willingness, Teacher, Parents, Friend, 독서역할모델, 독서몰입, 독서만족, 독서지속의지, 고등학생 독서, 교사, 부모, 친구



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Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society