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A Study on the Metadata based on the Semantic Structure of the Korean Studies Research Articles

Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society / Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, (P)2466-2542;
2015, v.46 no.3, pp.277-299

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The purpose of this study is to build a metadata set based on the semantic structure of the Korean studies research articles. For this purpose, we analyzed the related researches which suggested the semantic structure of the research articles, categorized the concepts of author keywords of the Korean studies research articles, and drew the metadata set of 16 elements from the results of the analysis and the categorization. The significance of this study is that it propose a semantic metadata configuration methodology which can reflect the scholarly sense-making of researchers in Korean studies. Especially, this study is significant because it reflects the keywords which was given by the actual researchers to examine the content characteristics of the Korean studies research articles.

학술적 이해 형성, 의미구조, 메타데이터, 한국학, 의미적 탐색 시스템, Scholarly sensemaking, Semantic structure, Metadata, Korean studies, Semantic search system



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Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society