This research was done with the intent of showing the changes in the Library and Information Science(LIS) curriculum from 1991 until 2014, across the 40 Korean LIS departments. Using the department and faculty system, which I expected were the biggest change factors, I took these as the division points and analyzed the published data regarding curriculum offerings in units of 6-7 years. Fields with special characteristics were analyzed in more depth for changes. The results indicated several things. First, in the bibliography field the number of individuals had been reduced from 69 to 51 in 2014. Second, the subjects in records management had increased from 33 in 2005 to 57 in 2014. Third, in the linguistics field the decrease was from 63 in 1997 to 19 in 2014. Fourth, as a result of analyzing individuals that had been classified into the general LIS field, it was found that subjects related to the outline of the LIS, field studies, publication and copyrights, and career guidance were increasing. At the same time, the subjects related to the history of the library were decreasing.
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