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A Study on the Application of Topic Modeling for the Book Report Text

Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society / Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, (P)2466-2542;
2016, v.47 no.4, pp.1-18


The purpose of this study is to explore application of topic modeling for topic analysis of book report. Topic modeling can be understood as one method of topic analysis. This analysis was conducted with texts in 23 book reports using LDA function of the “topicmodels” package provided by R. According to the result of topic modeling, 16 topics were extracted. The topic network was constructed by the relation between the topics and keywords, and the book report network was constructed by the relation between book report cases and topics. Next, Centrality analysis was conducted targeting the topic network and book report network. The result of this study is following these. First, 16 topics are shown as network which has one component. In other words, 16 topics are interrelated. Second, book report was divided into 2 groups, book reports with high centrality and book reports with low centrality. The former group has similarities with others, the latter group has differences with others in aspect of the topics of book reports. The result of topic modeling is useful to identify book reports’ topics combining with network analysis.

독후감, 토픽모델링, 주제분석, 네트워크 분석, 중심성, Book report, Topic modeling, Topic analysis, Network analysis, Centrality



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Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society