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An Analysis of the Current Practice of E-book Management and Services in Academic Libraries : Focused on A and B Academic Libraries

Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society / Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, (P)2466-2542;
2016, v.47 no.4, pp.167-190


This study aims to analyze the current status of e-book management and services in academic libraries and identify related issues in the provision of the services. To do that, it performed case studies with A and B university libraries. E-book usage statistics was collected from each library and interviews were conducted with librarians responsible for e-book management and services. The interviews included questions regarding obstacles to e-book management and services and current issues as well as budget and acquisition, access and catalogues, usage, and marketing for e-books. The results show that in both libraries, the usage of e-books is low compared with that of printed books and the usage of e-books has declined recently. This is because of lack of new books with shortage of budget. Also, the most important issue surrounding e-book services is academic library evaluation, enacted by Academic Library Promotion Act in 2015. This study discussed how the criteria for academic library evaluation influence the way the academic libraries acquire and manage e-books.

Academic library, e-book management, Acquisition, Services, Academic Library Promotion Act, 대학도서관, 전자책 관리, 수서, 서비스, 대학도서관진흥법



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Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society