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The Relation of the Awareness of Teacher Librarians about the Performance-Based Pay System and Their Job Satisfaction

Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society / Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, (P)2466-2542;
2017, v.48 no.2, pp.159-186

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This study is to analyze teacher librarians’ awareness about the performance-based pay system, their job satisfaction and the relationship between the two in an attempt to help make the pay system serve as catalyst in creating a positive competitive climate in the teacher community and boosting the qualifications of teacher librarian. As a result, the teacher librarians’ grades were 4.1% in S, 27.5% in A, 62.5% in B, and 5.9% in the exception of incentive. The teacher l ibrarians’ awareness of the performance-based pay system level was only 2.15 point out of 7, and their job satisfaction level was 4.60 out of 7. The teacher librarians’ were more satisfied with performance-based pay, participation, fairness of evaluation criteria, fairness of evaluation process and results. In conclusion, higher awareness of the teacher librarians’ performance incentives showed higher job satisfaction. And we might be able to suggest the improvement plan for teacher librarian evaluation in teacher performance system.

School Library, Teacher Librarian, Performance-Based Pay System, Job Satisfaction, 학교도서관, 사서교사, 성과급제, 교원 성과급, 직무만족



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Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society