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A Study on a Regional Cooperative Preservation Program for Public Libraries - with a special reference to Busan Metro Area -

Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society / Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, (P)2466-2542;
2017, v.48 no.3, pp.207-232


Recent efforts to systematically transfer older materials from local library collections to preserve in a cooperative preservation facility, such as regional main library, are being made in each region. The study, in this regard, sheds light the regional preservation program, as it identifies status of preservation in local libraries and analyze the opinions of librarians in order to illustrate the planning process of regional preservation program. Based on the data about preservation status of public library in Busan metro area, the study focused on the strategies to operate a cooperative preservation program for public libraries. Specifically, 1) it investigates the preservation status of public library in Busan area and the librarians' opinion on a cooperative preservation facility in Busan library. 2) It adds a proposal composed with a materials transfer strategy and a space management program.

자료보존, 보존서고, 공동보존서고, 공공도서관, 지역대표도서관, Collection preservation, Repository stock, Collaborative repository, Public libraries, Regional central library



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Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society