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A Study of the Application of Relative Location System and Minute Classification System in the DDC

Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society / Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, (P)2466-2542;
2017, v.48 no.3, pp.45-61


The objective of this study is to understand the application of relative location system and minute classification system in the DDC and to identify the effect of the relative location system and minute classification system during the late of 19th century. In order to achieve the objective, four main investigation areas were chosen: relative location system, minute classification system, and DDC influence to other libraries and classification systems. First, DDC applied a relative location system revolutionarily instead of a fixed location system for arranging books on the shelves, so it opened the period of modern library classification systems. Second, it used a minute classification system, and could classify books which had minute subjects. Third, it applied form to a criterion for dividing divisions and sections, so it helped for classifying books. Fourth, it used a numerical decimal system as a classification system, then people could use it economically and practically. Last, DDC influenced modern classification system such as the Expansive Classification and the Subject Classification etc. DDC is a suitable library classification system for the needs of the times, and it is a practical classification system for each library.

Dewey Decimal Classification, Relative Location System, Minute Classification System, Library Classification, Decimal System, 듀이십진분류법, 상관식 배가법, 세분화된 분류체계, 도서관 분류법, 십진법



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Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society