This study aims to verify the effect of school library education service on the information literacy ability of high school students in the poor economic environment. For this purpose, we narrowed down to 215 high school first graders with substandard educational conditions, and then implemented information literacy education. The results of the information literacy test were compared, before and after the information literacy service. The preliminary tests of 15 schools including the targeted school were conducted, and we found that the results of the self-evaluation in those 15 schools exceed those with other generally good educational conditions. We considered in all aspects to find out how to overcome the information literacy gap through information literacy programs. Reflecting on the previous research verifying that the difference in educational environment affects the information literacy, we can confirm that the information literacy education service, which is the core service of the school library, can narrow the information literacy gap. We hope that this study will be a basis for the systematic establishment of information literacy education in public education.
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