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A Study on the Activation Plan through the Analysis of the Operation Status of the Medical Library in the Hospital

Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society / Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, (P)2466-2542;
2019, v.50 no.2, pp.61-96


In this study, the medical library in the hospital was investigated on the overall operation status of the service target, books, facilities, environment, staff, service, etc., and the librarian in question conducted a demand survey and recognition survey of the library, and proposed a plan to activate the medical library in the hospital in the future. As a result, first, to increase the status of the library by the medical library in the hospital performing its role and improving the quality of the library 's service, it should be divided into the independent organization in the organization. Second, it is necessary to establish legal standards for collection, size, and manpower for medical libraries in hospitals. Third, in order to systematically manage medical libraries in hospitals, professional librarians should be supported and personnel should be recruited so that library-specific tasks and administrative tasks can be distinguished. Fourth, it seems that policies to support the medical library in the hospital, such as budget support at the national level, librarian specialization education, development of operation guidelines, network activation with other libraries are needed.

의학도서관, 의료분야 도서관, 수요조사, 운영현황, 활성화방안, Medical library, Library of medical field, Survey of demand, Operational status, Activation plan



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Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society