Based on the analysis of the appellation from a historical perspective and the diversity of the notation East Sea, this study was conducted to analyze the characteristics of cataloging records related to East Sea in 54 national libraries of the each country. The results are as follows. To begin with, while most of the East Sea-related records are concentrated in some specific national libraries such as the United States, Russia, and the Japan, there are five libraries that do not have one. Second, the title keyword of East Sea-related records was 67.9% for 'Sea of Japan', 29.6% for 'East Sea', and 2.5% for these terms shown together in the national libraries of each country. Third, the subject heading of East Sea-related records was 86.9% for 'Sea of Japan' or 'Sea of Japan(geographic name)', 1.2% for 'East Sea', and 11.9% for general subject heading or blank.