ISSN : 2466-2542
본 연구의 목적은 장애 아동․청소년의 독서역량 강화를 위해 독서역량과 독서역량 개념에 따른 구성요인을 파악하고 진단 문항을 개발하여 장애 아동․청소년의 독서역량 진단도구 개발의 기초자료를 제공하기 위함이다. 연구 방법은 문헌연구, 브레인스토밍, 델파이조사 및 예비조사를 실시한다. 연구 결과 독서역량 진단도구 구성요인은 크게 2개 영역(정의적 영역, 환경적 영역), 4개 범주(독서동기, 독서태도, 인적 환경, 물적 환경), 4개 범주별 총 13개 구성요인(독서흥미, 독서가치, 독서인정, 독서기대, 독서습관, 독서효능감, 독서몰입, 독서불안(회피), 가정/가족, 학교/교사, 또래, 독서환경, 매체환경)을 도출하고, 그에 따른 문항을 개발하였다. 이 결과를 토대로 장애 아동․청소년 독서역량 진단도구 개발 방향을 제시하였다.
The purpose of this study is to identify reading competency and its components according to the concept of reading competency in order to strengthen the reading competency of children and adolescents with disabilities, develop diagnostic questions, and provide basic data for the development of a reading competency diagnostic tool for children and adolescents with disabilities, Research methods include literature research, brainstorming, delphi survey, and preliminary research. As a result of the study, the components of the reading competency diagnostic tool are broadly divided into 2 areas (affective domain, environmental domain), 4 categories (reading motivation, reading attitude, human environment, and physical environment), and a total of 13 components in each of the 4 categories (Reading interest, reading value, reading recognition, reading expectations, reading habits, reading efficacy, reading immersion, reading anxiety (avoidance), home/family, school/teacher, peers, reading environment, media environment) and the corresponding questions. was developed. Based on these results, a direction for developing a reading competency diagnostic tool for children and adolescents with disabilities was presented.