open access
메뉴ISSN : 1229-0688
정신병원에 3번이나 입원하였으며 "산후 우울증"이라는 진단을 받은 37세의 이혼직전에 있는 한 부인의 문제를 전통적인 치료법인 부인 개인의 심리치료에서 벗어나 부인과 남편의 상호 문제로 인식시켜 상호협력을 통한 문제해결 치료방법)을 매주마다 남편과 부인이 교대로 평균 3시간씩 6개월동안 받은 결과 정상적인 가정생활로 회복할 수 있었다. 회복상태는 일년동안 관심있게 지켜보기로 했다.
A 37-year-old post-partum psychotic woman patient was treated with family therapy. The subject was three times hospitalized and was asked to divorce by her husband. Couple interactional relationship was analysized and it focus on couple problems. The husband or the wife was treated for average 3 hours per week. After 6 months treatment the woman recovered and one year follow-up was taken.