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A Study on the Practical Implementation of a OAI Protocol for Scholarly Communication

Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society / Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, (P)2466-2542;
2004, v.35 no.2, pp.219-241


The OAI(Open Archives Initiative) is an evolving protocol and philosophy regarding interoperability for digital libraries. This protocol has its roots in an effort to enhance access to digital libraries as a means of increasing the availability of scholarship communication. Thus, this research outlines the history of the OAI protocol, the basic model of SP(service provider)/DP(data provider), and the prerequisites to implement the OAI protocol. Viewed in this light, this paper also describes the experiences of KERIS project of SP/DP model and lists the differences between prerequisites and KERIS case.

OAI 프로토콜, 디지털도서관, 학술유통, SP/DP 모델, OAI Protocol, digital library, scholarly communication, SP/DP model, OAI Protocol, digital library, scholarly communication, SP/DP model

Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society