이 논문에서는 인도의 최대주인 Tamil Nadu의 공공도서관시스템의 조직구조에 대해 개관하고 공공도서관의 성장과정에 대해 구체적으로 분석하였다. 아울러 1975년부터 2006년에 걸친 기간을 대상으로 하여 기존자원에 대한 통계데이터와 연차보고서를 바탕으로 공공도서관시스템의 성과를 평가하고 개선점을 제시하였다.
This paper presents the organization structure of the Public Library System in Tamil Nadu, the first state in the Indian Republic, and brings out the growth of public libraries in Tamil Nadu after the approval of the library reorganization committee recommendations. Appraises the performance of the Public Library System in Tamil Nadu from 1975 to 2006. An analysis has been made about the nature and adequacy of the existing resources in the public library system in the state of Tamil Nadu, based on the analysis of the statistical data relating to public libraries and their use collected from the annual administration reports of the Directorate of Public Libraries, Government of Tamil Nadu. Based on the analysis and observationsa few suggestions are given for the development of public library system and services in India general and Tamil Nadu in particular.