At this point in time, advertisements data providers have no standard way of organizing advertisements, which has been causing confusion in information-sharing and data research. The purpose of this study is to design of metadata element for TV commercials by analyzing the characteristic features of TV commercials. First, it is to analyze characteristics, production process, composing elements of TV commercials through the literature review. Second, it is to analyze the characteristics of metadata elements on TV-Anytime and PB Core. Third, the 7 cases of advertisements data service providers are analyzed to extract the relevant data elements for TV commercial metadata. Forth, a Dublin Core was selected as basic metadata schema for TV commercial. Basic element is set as nineteen elements including <Location>, <Audience>, <Awards>, and <Review>. Sub-element is set as twenty seven elements. Finally, it is hoped that further studies of greater depth and specificity on organization and management of advertisements data may be undertaken.
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