Inquiry instruction is a dynamic process that uses questioning and answering to have students actively participate in their own learning. Inquiry instruction is a teaching technique in which teachers do not provide knowledge, but help students discover knowledge by themselves. However, Inquiry instruction currently has problems of lack of connection between inquiry process and school library, lack of collaboration between the media specialist and teacher, and lack of applicable models. Information literacy is the ability to access, evaluate and use information. Information literacy process is closely related to the inquiry process. Thus, this study suggested an elaborative model in inquiry instruction using information literacy process. This research derived the skills, strategies, activities of inquiry instruction model by comparing and analyzing Lippitt's inquiry process with information literacy process(Big6 Skills, Pathways to Knowledge, I-Search, 8Ws, Inquiry Process, Inquiry in the Research Process). Based on the results, this study designed an elaborative model in inquiry instruction using information literacy process.
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