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A Study of Designing the Knowledge Base System for the Query Extension by Index File

Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society / Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, (P)2466-2542;
2009, v.40 no.2, pp.139-159


This study is to develop knowledge base system for query extension to the user oriented information retrieval. This study has survey the theories of the concept-based information retrieval method and statistic based information retrieval method. In the construction method of knowledge base, the common hypothesis is that the emergence of related term is the frequency of simultaneous emergence of a set of documents. Using the subject index file algorithms and the ‘and’ operator of boolean logic based on this hypothesis, this study builds the knowledge base. In this research experiment, a subject of knowledge base is education. Using the book of the Introduction to Education, two experimental knowledge base systems is constructed by the different indexing method. One system has constructed by controlled language indexing method, and another system has constructed by natural language indexing method. The performance of two knowledge base system is evaluated.

Knowledge Base, Query Extension, Concept-based Information Retrieval, Automatic Information Retrieval Algorithm, Intelligent Information Retrieval Algorithm, Knowledge Base, Query Extension, Concept-based Information Retrieval, Automatic Information Retrieval Algorithm, Intelligent Information Retrieval Algorithm, 지식베이스, 질의 확장, 개념 기반 정보검색, 자동정보검색 알고리즘, 지능형 정보검색 시스템



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Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society