This paper strives to shed a new light on current academic resource sharing initiatives of both Korea Research Foundation(KRF) and Korea Science and Engineering Foundation(KOSEF), and seeks the measure to administer information resource effectively for a unified organization, which will launch soon, through the comparison and scrutiny, and analyses of strength and weakness on current projects. It first of all attempts to draw outcomes and suggestions on the basis of issues and implications identified through the exhaustive as-is analyses in the aspects of management, service, and infrastructure of academic resource sharing initiatives carried out by each foundations. The unification of projects and information systems are discussed in two aspects, as viewed each significant measures, that is, 1) an organizational aspect in terms to develop a new academic and research information service through the unification of operation systems related to information service project of each foundation; 2) An Initiative toward the integrated service via the unification of scattered individual unit systems in each foundation.
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