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Analysis and Countermeasure of User Data Elements on ‘RFID in Libraries’(ISO/DIS 28560)

Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society / Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, (P)2466-2542;
2009, v.40 no.3, pp.25-47


The purpose of this study is to analyze ISO/DIS 28560 and to cope with the current developments in library RFID technologies. The user data elements in part 1 and encoding rules in part 2 and part 3 of ISO/DIS 28560 are explored. In addition, a few corresponding cases regarding user data elements on ISO/DIS 28560 are investigated. Based on the corresponding cases, four user data elements are selected. They are <primary item identifier>, <owner library>, <set information>, and <ILL borrowing institution>. This study expects to allow fertile ground for discussion on the selection of user data elements in Korea.

RFID, RFID Tag, ISO 28560, User Data Elements, RFID, RFID Tag, ISO 28560, User Data Elements, RFID, 무선인식, RFID 태그, 무선인식 태그, ISO 28560, 사용자 데이터 요소



2008년 03월 CD 통과. 투표기간: 2007년 12월 20일 ~ 2008년 3월 20일. 결과: 28560 제1부(찬성 14, 반대 1, 기권 5), 28560 제2부(찬성 14, 반대 1, 기권 5), 28560 제3부(찬성 15, 반대 1, 기권 5).<http://biblstandard.dk/rfid/newsarchive.htm> [인용 2009. 3. 1].


2009년 06월 DIS 통과. 투표기간: 2009년 1월 19일 ~ 2009년 6월 19일. 결과: 28560 제1부(찬성 20, 반대 1, 기권 2), 28560 제2부(찬성 20, 반대 1, 기권 2), 28560 제3부(찬성 19, 반대 1, 기권 3).<http://biblstandard.dk/rfid> [인용 2009. 7. 17].


RFID in Libraries, ISO TC46/SC4/WG11 RFID in libraries, <http://biblstandard.dk/rfid> [인용 2009. 5. 5].


최재황, “주요 국가별 표준 도서관 RFID 데이터 모델의 비교 및 분석,” 한국도서관․정보학회, 제40권, 제2호(2009), pp.87-110.


ISO 8459-5:2002. 문헌 정보--서지 데이터 요소 디렉토리, 제5부: 목록 및 메타 데이터 교환용 요소(Bibliographic Data Element Directory--Part 5: Data Elements for the Exchange of Cataloging and Metadata).


Book Industry Communication, “RFID/LMS Stakeholder Meeting held on Monday 19 January 2009 at CILIP.” <http://www.libraryrfid.co.uk/BIC%20report%20of%20RFID%20meeting%20Jan%2019%202009.pdf>[인용 2009. 5. 5].


Mick Fortune, “RFID Where we are. Where we're going?.”<http://www.slideshare.net/scottishlibraries/rfid-where-we-are-where-were-going> [인용 2009. 8. 17].


<http://www.sybis.com.au/Sybis/4n597-599%20proposal%20document.pdf> [인용 2009. 4. 5].


Akira Miyazawa, 2007, “RFID Application in Japanese Library Community: a Backbround Paper.” <http://biblstandard.dk/rfid/docs/japan_2007.pdf> [인용 2009. 3. 5].


한국도서관부호표, <http://www.nl.go.kr/kormarc/symbol/symbol0101.htm> [인용 2009. 7. 17].

Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society