IFLA의 국제목록규칙에 관한 목록전문가회의(IME ICC)에서 결정한 국제목록원칙(International Cataloguing Principles)을 반영하고, 서지레코드의 기능상의 요건(FRBR)에 제시된 목록의 개념 모형과 전거데이터의 기능상의 요건(FRAD)에 제시된 전거데이터의 개념 모형을 구현할 수 있는 새로운 목록규칙인 RDA(Resource Description and Access) 초안이 2008년 제시되었다. 이에 따라 RDA 규칙에 기반하여 MARC21 포맷에 신규 태그 및 필드를 추가시키고, RDA 및 FRBR을 실질적으로 구현하기 위한 프로토타입에 관한 연구가 진행되고 있다. 이러한 국제적인 목록 환경의 변화에 따라 국내에서 RDA 규칙의 수용을 위해 목록규칙과 엔코딩 포맷인 KORMARC의 개정이 요구된다. 이를 위해 한성대학교 MARC 데이터에서 RDA 및 FRBR의 저작 및 표현형 요소의 입력 정도를 분석하여, RDA를 위한 현행 MARC 데이터의 한계를 파악하였다. 이러한 데이터 입력의 한계를 바탕으로, 국내 목록 환경에서 RDA 규칙을 접목하기 위한 목록규칙과 KORMARC 추가 태그 및 필드를 제시하였다. 고려할 목록 규칙 및 기술 원칙으로는 표현원칙, 기본표목 및 “rule of three", 채택서명, 내용/매체/수록매체 유형 적용 등이었다. 본 연구는 국내에서 RDA를 위한 목록규칙 및 KORMARC 개정의 방향을 제안하였다는 데 그 의의가 있다.
Resource Description and Access(RDA) was published in 2008, reflecting IFLA IME ICC's International Cataloguing Principles(ICP), conceptual model for cataloging of Functional Requirement for Bibliographic Records(FRBR), and conceptual model for authority data of Functional Requirement for Authority Data(FRAD). Therefore, new tags and fields have been added to MARC21 format, and researches about the prototype have been studied to implement FRBR as envisioned by the new RDA standard. According to the innovative international cataloging environments, KCR and KORMARC must be revised to accommodate RDA description. This study was to grasp occurrence rate of work and expression element of FRBR and RDA among MARC field of Hansung University library and to analyze limitation of MARC data for RDA. Based on this limitations, cataloging rules and tags and fields of KORMARC were suggested to accommodate RDA in national cataloging environment. This study reviewed cataloging rules such like representation, main entry and rule of three, preferred title, types of content, media and carrier. This study is to suggest the consideration of KCR and KORMARC for RDA in Korea.
2) Ed Jones, “The Shape of things to come: Resource Description and Access(RDA)," Serials Librarian, Vol.52, No.3/4(2007)
3) Alison Hitchens and Ellen Symons, “Preparing catalogers for RDA Training," Cataloging & classification Quarterly, Vol.47(2009)
5) IME ICC, 영미권의 차세대 목록규칙 자원의 기술과 접근, 도서관연구소 역, 2009, <http://www.ifla.org/files/cataloguing/icp/icp_2009-ko.pdf> [cited 2010. 3. 2].
7) Joint Steering Committee for Development of RDA, RDA: Resource Description and Access, 2008, <http://www.nl.go.kr/krili/common/ViewPDF.php?pdf_key=4964055&submenu=2&leftmenu=2&code=20091008192014_50> [cited 2009. 12. 23].
8) Joint Steering Committee for Development of RDA, FRBR to RDA mapping, 2009, <http://www.rda-jsc.org/ docs/5rda-frbrrdamappingrev.pdf> [cited 2009. 12. 23].
Joint Steering Committee for Development of RDA. RDA to FRBR mapping, 2009, <http://www.rda-jsc.org/docs/5rda-frbrmapping.pdf> [cited 2009. 12. 23]. 참조함.
9) Tom Delsey, “FRBR and FRAD as implemented in RDA," Presented at ALCTS Preconference RDA, 2009, <http://presentations.ala.org/images/b/b2/FRBR_and_FRAD_as_implemented_in_RDA.ppt> [cited 2010. 4. 23].
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12) Jan Pisanski and Maja Zumer, “Functional requirements for bibliographic records: an investigation of two prototypes," Program: electronic library and information system, Vol.41, No.4(2007)
15) Matthew Mayernik, “The Distributions of MARC Fields in Bibliographic Records," Library Resources Technical Services, Vol.54, No.1(2010), pp.40-54.
16) William E. Moen, “Data-driven evidence for core MARC records," Presented at NISO Webinar(2009), <http://www.niso.org/news/events/2009/bibcontrol09/bibcontrol09.pdf/> [cited 2010. 4. 23].
17) Karen Smith-Yoshimura, et. al., Implicatons of MARC tag usage on library metadata practices(Ohio : OCLC, 2010).
19) Barbara B. Tillet, “Changes from AACR2 for texts," Presented at ABA Supervisors' Forum, 2009, <www.rda-jsc.org/docs/10_1_12_RDAchangesfromAACR2fortexts.ppt> [cited 2010. 4. 23].
20) Lynne C. Howarth and J. Weihs, “Enigma Variations: parsing the riddle of main entry and the rules of three from AACR2 to RDA," Cataloging & classification Quarterly, Vol.46, No.2(2008), pp.201-220.
21) Jean Weihs and Lynne C. Howarth, “Uniform titles from AACR to RDA," Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, Vol.64, No.4(2008), pp.362-384.
22) Philip Hider, “A Comparison between the RDA Taxonomies and End-User categorizations of content and carrier," Cataloging & classification Quarterly, Vol.47(2009)