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An Analysis on the Affecting Factors, Reading Disposition of Reading Flow of Elementary and Second Students

Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society / Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, (P)2466-2542;
2010, v.41 no.4, pp.51-72

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Csikszentmihalyi has given the term ‘flow' to describe intense engagement or complete absorption in a task and behaviors. Activities as diverse as rock climbing, art, dance, motorcycling, and work has been reported as producing flow, but the most common optimal experience noted in the research is reading. This paper examines the disposition of reading flow of elementary and second students in Korea, and analyzed on the affecting factors in reading flow. Questionary for this study made of 36 items, including reading text, reading purpose, reading method etc. This study participated by 40 elementary & secondary schools, surveying 1,836 students. In order to verify the disposition and factors of reading flow used Chi-square, crosstabulation, factors by SPSS18.

플로우, 몰입. 독서 몰입, 독서 플로우, 독서 요인, Flow, Reading Flow, Reading Factors



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Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society