As small libraries are now considered as public libraries, it is time to discuss a policy decision for institutional complement, supporting policy frame, and activating management of small libraries. There is a need to improve statistical indicators of small libraries, as an effort to improve library statistics as a whole. Small libraries in National Library Statistics have been using an altered version of 2008 library statistiscal frame, which was solely designed for public libraries. However, due to the inadequacy of indicators, results show 91.3% of missing values and high rates of errors in collected data. This research select the key statistical indicators for small libraries by analyzing 4 researches of present states and 7 researches of measuring indicators. The research, therefore, proposed an improved version of statistical indicators, by advising of the professional groups in the small library statistics and estimation and investigating of 108 small libraries in GyeongGi-Do Area. There are 7 categories and 37 items in the proposed statistics.
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