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Librarians’ Perception of Kid’s Catalog in Korean Public Libraries

Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society / Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, (P)2466-2542;
2011, v.42 no.4, pp.89-109


This study intends to provide the essential data for developing kid's catalog in Korean public libraries. Focus was on the experience and perception of librarians who have provided a service for the children. To the end, this study investigated the children's information behavior and search behavior of OPAC from the viewpoint of librarians, and figured out what barriers are confronted when children are looking for reading materials. On the basis of data, discussed in details are practical considerations for kid's catalogs to improve the information access of children. The data were collected through a survey and depth interview with 29 librarians in public libraries, and referred to the existing OPAC for the discussion.

공공도서관 목록, 어린이용 목록, 어린이용 OPAC, 어린이의 정보행태, 어린이의 정보탐색, 편목 정책, Public Library Catalogs, Kid's Catalog, Kids' Catalog, Library Catalogs for Children, Children's OPAC, Information Behavior of Children, Searching Behavior of Children, Cataloging Policy for Children, Public Library Catalogs, Kid's Catalog, Kids' Catalog, Library Catalogs for Children, Children's OPAC, Information Behavior of Children, Searching Behavior of Children, Cataloging Policy for Children



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Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society