The purpose of this study is to confirm that the user benefit criteria can be applied as the user benefit criteria of children's libraries by examining the theoretical validity of the user benefit criteria and furthermore, by clarifying and verifying the mutual relation between the user benefit criteria and the child development area. For such a purpose, this study collected data from 247 users of children's libraries in the country and collected data was analyzed using the structural equation modeling. The result of analysis is as follows. First, the relation between physical development and behavioral facilitation, emotional development and physiological maintenance, cognitive development and perceptual maintenance, and the development of social skills and social facilitation was appropriate. Second, usability, safety and diversity was valid as an index of behavioral facilitation, self-esteem, amenity and peacefulness was valid as an index of physiological maintenance, esthetic sense, dynamics and flexibility was valid as an index of perceptual maintenance, and leisure, communication and territoriality was valid as an index of social facilitation. Third, children who prefer physical development prefer the benefit of behavioral facilitation, children who prefer emotional development prefer the benefit of physiological maintenance, children who prefer cognitive development prefer the benefit of perceptual maintenance and children who prefer the development of social skills prefer the benefit of social facilitation.
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