The purpose of this study is to construct a substantive theory that described and explained how pregnant women are seeking information in context of pregnancy. A qualitative design based on the method of grounded theory was utilized. In-depth interviews were conducted with 16 pregnant women, selected by theoretical sampling who receiving antenatal care 3 different university hospitals. The interview data were transcribed and systematically analyzed according to the open coding, axial coding and selective coding. 'Increasing Sense of Self-Control over Pregnancy' was the core category for describing and guiding the process of seeking information during the pregnancy. To construct a theory of 'Increasing Sense of Self-Control over Pregnancy' in this study, eight hypothetical statement were generated from the relationships among the core category and the other categories, thus four patterns were derived as follows: ʻDesperately Seekingʼ, ʻActively Seekingʼ, ʻUnconcernedly Seekingʼ, ʻResignedly Seekingʼ. The implications of the findings are discussed in terms of development of LIS theory in Korea, theory development of information behavior, education for LIS, and information service practice. The suggestions for further research are provided.
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