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iSchool Movement: A Critical Discourse Analysis

Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society / Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, (P)2466-2542;
2015, v.46 no.1, pp.135-154


The objective of this study is to analyze such discourse as mission statements and objectives, goals, and strategic plan of iSchools. Educational changes created by the digital reality and prevalent information systems and computers became an increasingly important part of library and information science. As a result, library and information schools joined iSchools as the cooperative effort to advance and to understand the rapid changes. These positioning validated the missions, objectives, goals of iSchools and thus an analysis of these documents can lead the way to the future of LIS education. For this job a qualitative analysis were performed to scrutinize the awareness of, support for and involvement with the field among key constituencies.

iSchool, Library and information science, Library and information science education, Librarianship, 문헌정보학, 문헌정보학교육, 문헌정보학사, 도서관학



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Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society