This paper is a qualitative single case study and it was conducted for the purpose to explore change in interactive bibliotherapy experience with a middle-aged widowed spouse. A Middle-aged Widowed Spouse was taken as a research partaker. Through this research, we explored partitively the partaker's experience changes by each session during the commencing of interactive bibliotherapy and the partaker's inner/external experience change after the end of session. The result, interactive bibliotherapy facilitated and expressed the reaction of a partaker by its writing skills and reading materials including partaker's own poems. Furthermore, facilitated emotion from material and self-awareness made a partaker understand and accept itself through therapeutical interaction. In addition, those kind of changes appeared inner/external experience in life, and lasted after the end of the session. In this regard, the inner/external change appeared from a partaker means the effect of bibliotherapy, and we can notice that it is a result that facilitated through truthful reaction of counselor and texts.
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