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An Analysis on Bibliotherapy Experiences of Bibliotherapists in Library

Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society / Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, (P)2466-2542;
2016, v.47 no.2, pp.417-436


The aim of this study is focused on knowing what bibliotherapists experience while they are in a session with their clients in library settings. Qualitative interviews were conducted as the main research tool or method used for this study. The study participants included 12 bibliotherapist respondents specializing in library. They were divided into two groups of 6 and each group was interviewed for approximately 2 to 3 hours. The interview employed a question asking methodology modified from that presented and/or originally used by Kruger and Casey(2000). The interview utilized open ended questions in the order of starting, introduction, main, and ending questions. Analyses of the interviews were based on methods presented by Morgan and Scannell(1998). Results of the study show that experiences through therapy sessions consisted of 7 different themes, 26 specific categories, and 84 unique concepts. The purpose of the study was to observe the problems bibliotherapist have or may encounter in library settings, provide feedback to make each session better, and as a result, help both the library and bibliotherapist during the bibliotherapy process.

도서관, 독서치료사, 독서치료 경험, 독서치료 프로그램, 도서관 독서치료, Library, Bibliotherapist, Bibliotherapy experiences, Bibliotherapy program, Bibliotherapy in library



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Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society