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A Study of Reading of Major Subject Books by Liberal Arts College Students: Focusing on a University

Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society / Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, (P)2466-2542;
2016, v.47 no.4, pp.149-165


This survey was conducted to investigate liberal arts college students' academic reading, to explore basic issues in their reading, and to provide how to improve their academic reading in their majors. The participants in this study were 457 students who enrolled in a college of liberal arts in a university. The study results represented as follows. Firstly, there were significant differences in vocabulary, reading comprehension, and fast-reading competence among student groups of different majors. Secondly, 66.9% of the students did not read widely in their major subjects throughout all departments. 67.7% of the students with low reading performance responded that they could complete college courses only with course textbook reading, course participation, and requirement submission. Thirdly, regarding the number of major subject books that the participants read, 82.1% of the students read less than 15 books, while 11.3% read less than a book. The students' academic reading hours during per week were less than 5 hours for 68.9% students and less than 10 hours for 13.9% respectively. Based on the results (departmental differences in reading competence, wide reading in major subject books, and liberal arts students' reading hours), liberal arts colleges need to design programs to guarantee quality and quantity in reading major subject books.

독서, 전공독서, 독서역량, 독서실태, 문과 대학생, Reading, Academic reading of major subject books, Reading competence, Actual reading condition, Liberal arts college students



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Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society