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Exploring Older Adults’ Experienced Barriers and Emotional Changes in Seeking Health Information

Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society / Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, (P)2466-2542;
2017, v.48 no.1, pp.227-243


This study aims to explore older adults’ experiences on cognitive and physical barriers and emotional changes of interactions from their health information seeking. Total of 10 older adults aged 65 or more were individually interviewed. The results show that the older adults may experience more difficulty from the perspectives on cognitive and physical barriers. The cognitive barriers are to: 1) know information resource and information search skills, 2) to choose relevant information, and 3) to know information search tools. The physical barriers for them to consider are eyes, hands, legs, and the whole body when accessing health information. In terms of emotion, the older adults express curiosity and negative emotion and at the beginning of the search and then they have more emotional expressions in the middle, and then they express positive emotion at the end of the search. The results suggest that information professionals should consider library as a connection to help them reduce these barriers and stabilize emotional changes.

Health information seeking, Older adults, Cognitive barrier, Physical barrier, Emotional change, Public library, 건강정보검색, 노인, 인지적어려움, 신체적어려움, 감정변화, 공공도서관



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Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society