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A Study on the Effects of Classical Literature Reading Education on Youth's Character and Competency Development

Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society / Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, (P)2466-2542;
2017, v.48 no.1, pp.245-265


The objective of this research is to develop & operate classical literature reading education program for youth, to verify the difference in effect with respect to the influence of classical literature reading education on youth's character and competency development and to clarify the difference in effect depending on intention to participate in classical literature reading education and instruction method. Main result of research is summarized as follows. First, after classical literature reading education was found to be effective to the character and the youth's competency development increased. Second, verifying the effect of classical literature reading education on intention to participate voluntarily, it was found to be more effective for group of voluntary participation than group of involuntary participation. Third, verifying the effect of classical literature reading education depending on instruction method, it was found to be more effective for group of discussion lesson based on character key words than group of lesson based on recital.

Classical literature, Reading education, Character, Competency, Youth, 인문고전, 독서교육, 인성, 역량, 청소년



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Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society