Traditionally, the construction industry field is one of the typical fields using facet analysis method. Internationally the facet analysis method is applied to the classification scheme 「Uniclass」 or thesaurus 「Construction Industry Thesaurus(CIT)」. In the case of Korea, the facet analysis method is being used in classification scheme 「Construction Industry Classification System」 but it is difficult to find studies on facet analysis method in thesaurus or building case study. This study aims to establish facet types by introducing building of thesaurus for information retrieval in construction field using facet analysis method and to suggest building plan of thesaurus in construction field using facet analysis method. In this paper, We establish the 11 top facets(agent/patient, artifacts, abstract, material, parts/component, works, attribute, media, process, space, time) and the 13 subfacet as rudimental facets and suggest building plan according to thesaurus building procedure which is suggested by International Standard(ISO 25964-1). The result of this study is expected to apply to facet based thesaurus. And it is also expected to reuse in Taxonomy or Ontology etc. and to use in interoperability with the classification scheme of Construction filed.
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