The goal of this study is to propose the approaches to improve the voters' awareness by analyzing the voters' awareness on the fake news related to the elections and identifying the problems with the focus on the 19th Presidential Election. In accordance with the analysis on the data from 128 respondents (53 male and 75 female respondents), the 99.2% (127 respondents) of respondents had informations on elections mainly through broadcasting(77.2%), smart phone(70.9%), Internet(63.8%) and newspapers 32.3% which accounts for 41 respondents) in that sequence. Next, the 87.4% of respondents thought that the informations on elections had more impact on their voting than the generally expected degree. Meanwhile, the voters' awareness on the facts was analyzed by collecting and presenting the information on elections which stated by candidates in the 19th Presidential Election. In accordance with the analysis, there were the significant differences per age groups. The Scheffe test indicated that the respondents in 30s to 40s had significantly higher average awareness than those in 20s. According to the analysis results, it was proposed that the National Election Commission install the election information investigation and analysis committee in the election organization, investigate and analyze the election informations each election for providing real facts to the public, the voters.
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