This article or study subjectively explores actual experiences of a human book from a phenomenal viewpoint and is based on considerable amounts of reference literature and the collecting/analyzing of precedent theses data. Selecting specific research samples and conducting in-depth interviews were made to elicit the phenomenal marks or responses in human book experiences. Samples included a total of three human book practicing teachers belonging to Gyonggi Provincial Office of Education, who were picked out or chosen according to their rich performance experiences/activities over a two year period. They were interviewed in four different basic topic areas or parts sectioned out to the following: 1) actual needs of a human book; 2) experiences in human book; 3) changes of cognition to the human book; and, lastly 4) improvement in the application of a human book. As a result, the number of schools, the number of readers, and the number of people who participated in human book activities continued to expand. In addition, human book activities have become an opportunity for growth not only for participating readers, but also for the human book itself.
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