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Analysis of Subject Category on Artificial Intelligence Discourse in Newspaper Articles

Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society / Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, (P)2466-2542;
2017, v.48 no.4, pp.21-47


This study aims to analyze features of topics about AI(Artificial Intelligence) which is gaining a massive attention these days. Newspaper articles published from 2016 to June, 2017 were selected to analyze key subjects. The reason why the period was selected is people started to get attention on AI since 2016 as AlphaGo came out and gave a shock. The number of coded main message was 1,210 in 525 newspaper articles in total. The messages were categorized as three subject categories: the seven major categories, 62 middle categories. and minor categories. The seven major categories contains issues such as AI research, AI application, AI business, AI era, AI argument, AlphaGo, and other topics. The first features of issues about AI found in the major subject categories is that they are various and complicate. Second, it is important that social and policy-level issues related AI, such as job losses, misuse, and error should be dealt with to utilize AI safely. Last, issues related the role of human and revolution of education system in the AI era were shown as subjects which are important but hard to discuss.

인공지능, 주제분석, 주제범주, 내용분석, Artificial Intelligence, Subject Analysis, Subject Category, Content Analysis



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Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society