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A Study on the Development of the Founding Collection in Public Libraries

Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society / Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, (P)2466-2542;
2017, v.48 no.4, pp.303-320

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This study illustrates the process of the development of founding collection in public libraries. Specifically, this study surveys such cases of ten public libraries recently opened. It also analyzes current laws and standards about library collection and compares the criteria with the ones in various manuals and reports. For the study, supplementary data were also collected through qualitative interviews and brain-storming discussions with public librarians and other regional government officials who were in charge of the library construction project. For the suggestion to improve the quality of such founding collection, the researcher put the emphasis on the construction of collection development policy for the library, on the official collection plan, on the adequate volume of founding collection, and on the strategies for collection programs about regional studies.

Public library, Collection development, Founding collection, 공공도서관, 장서개발, 개관장서



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Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society