The purpose of this study is to develop conceptualization models of reading, information, ICT, and digital literacy through conceptual differences of these literacy by reviewing and defining the concepts of literacy as well as reading, information, ICT, and digital literacy. Computer literacy has emerged as a concept that explains the phenomenon of contemporary social, cultural, and information technology development, and since then, computer literacy has since changed to IT, ICT literacy, and digital literacy. As a result of the study, a conceptualization model of the reading, information, ICT, and digital literacy was developed. In this model, these literacy whose terms have changed according to the technological development of media, have been classified as medium-centered literacy. And reading and information literacy that focuses on the cognitive process of understanding, utilizing, and evaluating texts and information is categorized as process-oriented literacy. In the digital environment, reading and information literacy is a core competence to critically think and evaluate the texts that are on media, and further research is needed to reduce the reading and the information gap among readers.
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