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Analyzing BIBFRAME Cases for the Development of BIBFRAME Application Plans in Korea

Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society / Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, (P)2466-2542;
2018, v.49 no.2, pp.59-78


This study is to suggest the concrete application plan of BIBFRAME under the development of BIBFRAME as library specific ontology for linked open data. The several research methods are used as the literature reviews, the case study of LC and LD4P, and the survey of cataloging librarians which is to grasp understanding level of the linked data related terms and requirements for constructing LOD. The application plan is suggested as follows. First, publishing name authority data and subject heading in LOD are prominent as the startup with creating terms list or vocabulary in LOD that has been used in library for controlled vocabulary and data value. Second, it is needed to develop BIBFRAME application and extension modeling in Korea, to map KORMARC and the properties and classes of BIBFRAME, and to develop the editor and MARC to BIBFRAME Transformation Tools. Third, the systematical training for cataloging librarians is designed to regard BIBFRAME related works as the librarian’s main field. Therefore, this study would contribute to seek the practical application plan for BIBFRAME in Korea.

BIBFRAME, SKOS, FOAF, Ontology, Vocabulary, LD4P, Bibliotek-o, BIBO, LDS, RDF, MADSRDF, Authority control, 링크드데이터, 비브프레임, 온톨로지, 어휘집



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Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society