The study analyzed the characteristics of two library and information science journals indexed by Web of Science (WoS) and Scopus in 2015 along with two of their non-indexed sister journals. The study also analyzed the characteristics of a SCIE- and Scopus-indexed oceanographic journal published domestically along with its sister journal indexed by Scopus only. In addition, the study collected and analyzed the articles published during 2014 and 2015 in these 6 journals as well as the citations they received in 2016. By comparing the characteristics and publication data of indexed journals and their sister journals, the study aimed to identify the properties of WoS-indexed journals that may be helpful in enhancing international journal publication. The findings from the analysis of data can be summarized as follows: WoS-indexed journals publish more frequently, focus mainly on articles, are authored by researchers from many countries, and have higher quality papers that receive more citations than their non-WoS-indexed sister journals. The study also found higher rates of co-authored papers in WoS indexed journals, which were amplified in LIS journals. This is an important factor to consider for Korean LIS journals that are dominated by singe-author articles when they prepare to be indexed in WoS.
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