This study investigates the operation status of Special Schools' School Library and suggests policy implications after comparing with the School Library. As a result of the study, compared with general schools by region and school establishment, special schools are lacking in collection, budget, reading seats and usage. The number of collections per student in special schools is 57.9, the number of loans is 10.8, while the number of general schools is 96.7 and 29.6. The budget is about 30% of general schools, more than 90% of general schools have more than 20 seats, while Special Schools are only 75 (42.9%). There is not one volume of use compared to the collection. There are 47 schools (26.8%) with specialized staff, and only 20 schools have librarian licenses. Therefore, in order to revitalize the school library of special schools, it is necessary to cooperate with related organizations with disabilities in the local community, to expand collections, to have professional librarians and to improve the facilities environment.
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