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A Study on the Application of ISNI for the Personnel Information Management: Having Focused Group Interviews with Participants and non-Participants in the ISNI-Korea Consortium managed by National Library of Korea

Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society / Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, (P)2466-2542;
2019, v.50 no.2, pp.121-147

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The purpose of this study is to investigate the perceptions of the organizations in the fields of academics, arts, humanities, and music in Korea on the International Standard Name Identifier (ISNI) which is developed by International Standard Organization (ISO) for assuring the public identities of creators, contributors, and producers to contents in the fields. National Library of Korea (NLK), one of the official registration agencies of ISNI in Korea, launched a consortium, ISNI-Korea, with various organizations in the fields to promote the ISNI registration and application. In this study, focused group interviews were carried out with participants from a total of 13 organizations; these organizations were divided into three groups by the progress on collaboration with NLK at the ISNI-Korea consortium. The current status of the personnel or membership information management by organizations, their expectations and barriers for using ISNI, and the ISNI application to the fields have been discussed intensively during the interviews. Findings from this study could benefit NLK to develop the strategies to promote ISNI in the fields. This study also proposed follow-up studies to enhance the use of ISNI in Korea.

국제표준이름식별자, 국립중앙도서관, ISNI-Korea 컨소시엄, International standard author number, National library of Korea, ISNI-Korea consortium



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Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society