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A Study on the Enhancement of Korean Diaspora-related Subject Headings: Focusing on Korean-related Terminology in the National Library of Korea Subject Headings

Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society / Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, (P)2466-2542;
2022, v.53 no.1, pp.103-124
Ji-Suk Yeo (Kyungpook National University)
Kiduk Yang (Kyungpook National University)
Hiroko Ito (Kyungpook National University)
HyeKyung Lee (Kyungpook National University)


This paper suggests a way to improve Korean diaspora-related subject headings based on the analysis of terminology about Koreans in Korean diaspora-related manuscripts and investigation of related terms in the National Library of Korea subject headings. After selecting three KCI journals with high ratios of diaspora-related papers, the study extracted Korean-related terminology from the journal papers and examined their term frequencies. Additional Korean-related terms were investigated by manually reviewing the articles in which extracted terms appear. Based on these analyses, the study proposes several supplemental enhancements to Korean-related topic names in the National Library of Korea’s subject headings, such as changing the English notation, adding non-preferred words, and changing the hierarchical relationship of the existing topic names.

National Library of Korea Subject Headings, Korean Diaspora, Subject Heading Headings, Koreans
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Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society