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A Critical Reinterpretation of Dervin's Sense-Making Theory as Communication Theory

Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society / Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, (P)2466-2542;
2022, v.53 no.3, pp.193-214
Park, Seongwoo
Hong, Soram


Sense-Making Theory gives persuasive power to information seeking behavior while acknowledging the diversity of subjects. It is being used as a theory and methodology to explain the phenomenon of information seeking in various temporal and spatial contexts related to the communication of individuals' inner realms, face-to-face, organization, and mass communication. However, it is not to be a theory to explain the information seeking behavior of a group in that it explains the individual epistemological interpretation of the subjects. Also, the purpose of the theory was to establish a receiver-centered communication theory that constructs sense-making by itself, away from the receiver who unilaterally accepts the sender's information from the perspective of communication theory. However, Dervin accepted the existence of object information without explaining the relationship between the recipient's external information and the receiver. Owing to the establishing his concept of information following the Popper(1972)'s world concept, its object of observation is not World III(objective content of thought), but the process of sense making in which World II(psychological world) receives information generated in World III. In this context, Dervin's theory is not to explain the communication behavior at a group level.

더빈, 의미형성 이론, 소통, 정보추구행위

Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society