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A Study on the Metadata Design for Standardization of Food Composition Research Data

Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society / Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, (P)2466-2542;
2022, v.53 no.3, pp.241-262
Lee, Sang Hoon
Park, Eunji
Kim, Juseop
Kim, Suntae


The purpose of this study was to designed the structure and elements of metadata that can manage and share research data produced in the food composition database. In order to derive metadata elements, mapping crosswalk was performed on 5 metadata such as DCAT, DataCite metadata schema 4.4, TTAK.KO-10.0976, AgMES, and FoodData Central. As a result of the study, the top 15 elements of the 'Resource information' metadata were derived, and 7 mendatory, 3 recommended and 5 optional elements, and the 'Composition analysis' metadata included 8 mendatory, 3 recommended and 1 optional element were derived to describe food composition research data, respectively. The derived metadata elements will be used as an item for systematic management of food composition data and can be used as basic data for sharing with domestic and international food composition databases.

식품성분 연구데이터, 국가표준식품성분표, 메타데이터, 리포지터리, 농촌진흥청

Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society