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A Study of Appraisal in Record Continuum Theory: Derivation of Key Elements through the Comparison with Appraisal in Life Cycle Model

Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society / Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, (P)2466-2542;
2022, v.53 no.3, pp.25-46
Kim, Myoung-hun


In this study, the appraisal in record continuum theory is analyzed in conjunction with the appraisal in life cycle model. In order to understand the more fundamental implications of appraisal in electronic record environment, it is essential to analyze the appraisal inherent in record continuum theory. Record continuum theory can provide a theoretical basis for appraisal in electronic record environment in that it is a theoretical system in opposition of the appraisal based on life cycle model and dualistic records management system resulting from it. In particular, considering that the appraisal is a purposive act of seeking the meaning of records, the reinterpretation of the concept and meaning of records intended in record continuum theory enables us to derive the different appraisal logics than before. Therefore In this study, based on comparison with the appraisal based on life cycle model and the new record concept presented in record continuum, the appraisal in record continuum theory is analyzed focusing on three aspects.

평가, 레코드 컨티뉴엄, 라이프사이클, 기록, 아카이브

Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society