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A Study on the Operation Status of Specialized Public Libraries

Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society / Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, (P)2466-2542;
2022, v.53 no.3, pp.47-72
Sim, Hyojung
Noh, Younghee


This study identified the current status and degree of awareness of specialized libraries through a survey of public library employees in relation to specialized library projects supported and promoted by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and local governments and sought policy directions to revitalize specialized libraries in the future. As a result of the analysis, local (region) was the most common specialized topic, but there were many places that selected topics according to the interest of policymakers. In the case of the data, less than 5% of the total books are specialized, and specialized subject-related programs account for more than 20% of the total library programs, providing an average of three to four programs, and operating personnel generally do not deploy dedicated librarians. When specialized topics meet regional characteristics, when there are separate buildings or specialized rooms, there are two to three dedicated librarians, at least 15% of specialized books, and more than five to six programs, the user's awareness and satisfaction were higher. In order to revitalize specialized libraries, it is necessary to secure additional books, organize differentiated programs, arrange exclusive librarians, provide subject-specialized education through the Korea Library Association and regional representative libraries, develop and distribute specialized and target service manuals, and secure a sufficient budget.

공공도서관, 특화도서관, 도서관정책, 서비스, 현황조사

Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society