open access
메뉴ISSN : 1229-0688
본 연구는 모의상담을 이용하여 상담자 유형의 상담효과가 상담내용에 따라 다른지를 알아보고자 하였다. 구체적으로는 두 가지 상담자 유형(전문상담자와 또래상담자)에 의한 상담 효과는 상담내용에 따라 차이가 있는 지를 알아보고자 하였다. 584명(남: 284명, 여: 300명)의 고등학생 관찰자에게 모의상담사례의 녹음내용을 듣게 한 후에, 그 상담의 상담자와 상담내용을 내담자의 입장에서 평가하도록 하였다. 종속변인인 상담효과는 상담자 평가, 상담에 대한 만족도 평가 및 상담에 대한 기대 평가 등 3가지로 측정하였다. 본 연구의 주요결과는 다음과 같다. 진로상담에서는 전문상담자와 또래상담자간에 전체 상담효과(세 가지 종속변인의 평균)의 차이가 없었던 반면, 이성문제상담에서는 전문상담자가 또래상담자보다 전체 상담효과가 더 크게 나타났다. 마지막으로 본 연구의 의의와 한계점에 대해 논의하였다.
The present research was directed at effects of the type of counselor and contents on observer's counseling outcomes. Subjects were listened to one of the hypothetical counseling designed by researcher. The major research questions was how the same content of counseling can be affected by the professionality of counselor. Two independent variables were in the present research as followed. First, the professionality of the counselors is manipulated by to know them that counselor in the recording is professional counselor or peer counselor. Second IV is the content of the counseling, and there are career counseling and counseling dealing with relationship of opposite-sex friend. The 584 adolescent observers participate in the present research. All of them are high school students, 284 are males and 300 are female. After listening to the prerecorded counseling session, they were asked to evaluate the counselors and effectiveness of the counselling on three questionnaires. The major results were as following: First of all, it suggested that the type of counselor was different to the content of the counselling. In other words, the counselling effect of professional counselor did not differ to the contents, but the effect of peer counselor was more effective on the area of career counselling than on the area of relationship with opposite-sex friend. Finally, several implications and limitations were discussed.